School scholarships for children from Namibia
The students bring motivation and ambition - they need your help for the financial resources
Four students from Außenkehr in southern Namibia – three girls and one boy – will go to the Waldorf School in Windhoek from the coming school year. In a forward-looking school model, this school offers the opportunity to teach children job-related skills parallel to regular lessons - from carpenter, educator, vehicle mechatronics technician, draftsman, clerk for tourism and leisure. These scholarships are made possible with the support and in cooperation with the Friends of the Waldorf School in Schwäbisch Hall from the foundation “Promote Children – Future
donate". Further scholarships are to follow for the coming years. In addition, the four scholarship holders receive intensive German language training at the Goethe-Institut in Windhoek in addition to their regular school education and until they graduate. The language lessons also qualify the children for possible vocational training in Germany.
The principal, Mrs. Suzie Kadhikwa, selected four students from the graduates of the elementary school in Außenkehr. They presented themselves in the capital last year - "and would have preferred to have stayed there straight away," says Carola Hildebrand, General Manager of the Waldorf School in Windhoek. She is looking forward to the newcomers from the south, who were very open and interested in everything they did at the first had seen visitors there.
The scholarship in cooperation with the Windhoek Waldorf School is supported in practice by the “Aussenkehr Volunteer Project”, in the context of which students from the DHBW (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University) from Germany gain practical experience abroad. The necessary funds for this are provided by the German foundation "Kinder Förderung - Zukunft stiften" of the former publisher Christian Neuber. The foundation sees the right partner in the Windhoek Waldorf School - not only in the provision of education, but also in the caring preparation for their life and future profession.
In addition to the scholarship from the foundation, the Namibian Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture of the IIKharas Regional Council organizes and finances all the children's travel routes between the Außenkehr Farm and Windhoek, 850 km away. The program provides for the sponsored students to return to Außenkehr after successful training in order to continue building a good future there. Then the effort was worth it.
As of January 2022